You are invited to participate in INTCESS 2024- 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES that will be held in ISTANBUL, Turkey on 22-24 January 2024 both in person and in virtual format. INTCESS 2024 is an annual international multidisciplinary conference that provides the ideal opportunity to bring together professors, researchers, and higher education students of diverse disciplines, discuss new issues, and discover the most recent research in all fields of EDUCATION, all areas of SOCIAL SCIENCES and all areas of HUMANITIES in a multicultural atmosphere. You will be able to share all your experiences with other experts in a truly international atmosphere. This conference will be held at the international level. Plenty of participants from more than 20 different countries all over the world are expected to attend.
TOPICS include, but are not limited to:
all areas of Education; communication, accounting, finance, economics, management, business, marketing, education, sociology, psychology, political science, law, and all other areas of social sciences; also all areas of the humanities including anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, ethics, folklore studies, history, language studies, literature, methodological studies, music, philosophy, poetry, theater and others..