World Meet on Pharmacology, Toxicology & Drug Development
”World Meet on Pharmacology, Toxicology & Drug Development” will be held on September 18-19, 2023 in Texas, USA. This Conference offers an opportunity to interact with researchers in the field of Pharma and Drug Development, making the Congress a perfect platform to share experiences, foster collaborations across industry & academia, and share emerging scientific updates across the globe.
Conference Highlights:
Pharmacology & Drug Design
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Chemical Biology
Industrial and Occupational Toxicology
Drug Toxicity, Novel Drug Delivery Systems & Drug Targets
Bio-Pharmaceutics & Biologic Drugs
Drug & Device Safety
AI in Antibody Discovery
Peptides and Protein Drug Delivery
Current Trends in Pharmacology Research
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Drug Development
Nano Medicine and Nanotechnology
Advances in Pharmaceutical Packaging
Pharmaceutical Process Validation
Pharmacologic treatments for covid-19